๐Ÿ˜ฑ_Announcements_โ— in ๐ŸŽ‡.TheDrawGamer.๐ŸŽ‡

share creation you got, mate!

I'll made 2 random shitpost characters.

so... who wants these character?

if you want? draw my Oc first...

if you don't want these characters? i make more weapons characters as well... or even cute character?

who would win?

ย  85 votes Voting finished

Shitpost Sketch #6

if my Oc becomes more jealous.

welp, this is the end of fireside...

press F to respect.

love or hate, we don't cared.

if i'm reach 3,500 Followers or something high enough?

I'll will make fanart for random people people or some GameJolt Creator

in the style of my favourite games...

or what's your favourite games? ( i guess so...)

Hi guys! I'm back!

new Oc when?

I got 1K Likes in my [single post] (for the first time )

3,000 Followers specials!!!!

shirt & pant are changed to different colour

Holy shit!!!